maandag 16 mei 2011

Back in the developed world!

After a week in Vankleek Hill, Ontario we took this morning the plane from Montréal to New York!

No internet-connection where we stayed so now a little update from our last week in Canada!

We celebrated Ilona's birthday; Went to the hairdresser, all afternoon with a lot of beer and wine!

The thing we did the most was relaxing! Enjoying the sun and having a beer from time to time! :-)
We visited Parc Oméga in Montebello, Quebec, Watching canadian wildlife closeby from the car and feeding them carrots.

We went throut fishing in the pound of Andy but because the fishing went so bad we only had 3 small fishies as appetizer but delivery-pizza is always good!

Went out saturday in Hawkesbury and sunday went to church! The Swiss Canadian style church, having a  few beers, laughing and talking! 

Today our first day in the big city so more pictures and story's will come up daily! 

                                              Leslie and Ilona
                                             The road to Dalkeith
                                             Feeding mooses, elk and...


                                           Searching worms for fishing

                                            Waiting and waiting
                                           Lesson 1: How put the worm on the hook
                                           Getting the hook out of the fish

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